Five Months of James

The world feels a little bit heavy right now, so this post seems almost frivolous amidst all of that. So the quick facts are these:

1) James has started laughing all the time at all sorts of things, and it’s the best sound in the world.

2) After four months of hating tummy time, he now prefers to be on his stomach most of the time, and flips himself onto his stomach to sleep.

3) He absolutely adores being in the door frame bouncy seat that we have, and goes crazy every time I put him in it.

4) He seems like he might be starting to discover that his thumb is a nice pacifier. I’m torn about whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

5) He’s wearing 6-9 or 6-12 month clothes, and has recently outgrown a pair of Elise’s old pajamas that she wore when she was between 6 and 9 months old.


The innocence of a baby is such a balm in a hurting world. The quarantine has been a tedious period of time, but the more recent racist altercations have everything in a more painful uproar.

As a result, I’ve had Micah 6:8 on my heart more than usual. My main job, as the mother of both James and Elise, both of whom are about as fair-skinned as one can possibly get, is to guide them to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with their (and my) God.


Doing that behooves us to recognize the image of God in our neighbors, of every tongue, tribe, and nation. I pray for unity and reconciliation in our land, and that the country that these kids grow up in becomes one that is more just and merciful toward our POC compatriots than it has been in the past.


I’m not sure what else to say today. I’m hoping that between now and next month, things will both have improved and calmed down. 2020 has been…a year.