Ten Months of James
Every month post is getting a bit later here. For what it’s worth, the pictures were taken right at the month mark, so at least we know that much is accurate! This past month was a big one for James, so I didn’t want to let it go un-commemorated.
For starters, he took a few steps! He had been independently standing before the 10-month mark for a few seconds at a time, but then one day he decided it was high time to take standing up to a whole new level and add some motion to go along with it. I don’t know if I’d quite say it’s full walking, but it’s definitely an accomplishment nonetheless.
I had to take two sets of pictures…his regular white onesie was in the wash at first!
He also said his first and only word, which was “cow.” Elise and James and I were all sitting around the table at breakfast time, and we noticed that there were pictures of cows on several of our food items at the table. I pointed to each one and said “cow!” after each point, and then James just followed suit! His favorite non-word syllable is “gah,” so while it is a bit hard to differentiate between “gah” and “cow,” they were different enough that I’m pretty confident in calling it a word.
While the steps and the word were notable, his most significant accomplishment appears to be climbing on things. He climbs on literally anything climbable, which has led to some close calls. I don’t take my eyes off of him for a second when climbing structures are nearby, including things that are not your typical climbing structure. Example A:
Less you miss it while having a heart attack over his position, please take note of his expression. This is a very, very accurate representation of his approach to life, and I am here for it. Oh, you want another look at the rocking horse ascent? LET ME OBLIGE.
I should also note that I was closer at hand than this picture makes it look. He is always spotted. Gotta cover my bases in case some variety of mom police are out there.
He also climbs your standard things, like benches.
Last but not least, he sprouted two more teeth! We had some rough nights when they were coming through, although I think we’re mostly back on track after that setback.
So there you have it! Way to go, little guy.