Crafting Complete

I think I finished the wall art! It's not hanging up yet, but it's ready to be hung up and that's what counts.

As I mentioned yesterday, I got the idea from Pinterest, but the real source is here. You really only need five materials: a canvas, some paint, scrapbook paper, glue of your favorite variety, and Mod Podge.

First, you take your canvas and paint it so that the whole thing is the color you want as the background. I used spray paint because it was fast and I'm impatient.

Let the paint dry...obviously. To keep you occupied while it dries, take your scrapbook paper and cut out one circle for the center of the flower and a lot of leaves of various sizes. I ended up using ten different patterns of scrapbook paper for the leaves, and I cut out eight big leaves plus one tiny leaf from each one.

Once the leaves are cut and the paint is dry, start arranging them on the canvas.

When you're happy with how the pattern looks, glue them down so that they won't move. I used hot glue, because again...impatient. Who wants to wait for glue to dry after you've already waited for the paint?

Finally, after things won't be moving around anymore, Mod Podge the whole thing so that it looks uniform.

And finally, once the Mod Podge is dry, you're done! Go hang it up. know...just put it on top of a table until you figure out where you want it. That works too. 

Have a most excellent weekend!